Creating Creativity

1994 – How to increase the level of innovation within an organization? The simplest and fastest way is to develop skills in obtaining multiple solutions for one existing problem. There is nothing mysterious about these skills. It is thought that only a few talented people can have good ideas, and that the rest is not creative enough. However, this is a misconception! This article discusses six creative techniques that can help with the creation of new solutions – both for analytical people and for people who rely more on their intuition. Most techniques are based on the step-by- step procedures that are already used by most managers for achieving solutions. The techniques explained in this article are appropriate for the individual, but you can  use them in a team as well:

  • Use analogies and metaphors to understand the problem well
  • Make associations between objects and ideas.
  • Make direct analogies
  • Make personalized analogies
  • Mind Mapping
  • Collect as much information as possible.

Not every technique is suitable for everyone. Try them and use the technique that works best for you. Be open for other techniques to make sure that you don’t miss any chance. When using these six techniques you can think of a wide range of potential solutions to business problems, even though you do not see yourself as a creative brain. All you need is time to learn them, and the intention to use them.

Higgings, J. M. (1994): Creating Creativity by Training & Development. The article can be found in the appendices.