Getting the Right Things Done

2006 – Getting the Right Things Done is a practical guide to planning and implementation. It is intended for leaders at all levels and from all sectors – from CEOs to leaders of customer teams – and helps you find answers to the following questions:
• What are the basics of strategy deployment?
• What means the implementation of it?
• What are the underlying mental models and how is that different from the traditional management mentality?
• What kind of management it takes?

Getting the Right Things Done shows how you can tune activities and focus them on each other. Furthermore it allows you to respond quickly to opportunities and threats. Strategy deployment is a proven method for planning and execution that for over 25 years is used by companies like Toyota to  ‘get along’ people at all levels of an organization and dominate markets that way.

Reference: Dennis, P. (2006) Getting the Right Things Done. Lean Enterprise Institute Inc. ISBN: 978 90 78413 02 8