Negotiation Result CLA, Social Plan and Social Framework Sourcing NN

2016 – On April 8th Nationale Nederlanden Insurance (NN) and the trade unions: FNV Finance, CNV Vakmensen and De Unie signed an agreement under which the texts will be prepared for  the collective agreement which is applicable from January 1th 2016 to December 31th of 2018.

The preparation of this agreement was done in a ‘co-creating process’ in which the parties had an intensive discussion. Just like it was done in 2011 when this insurance company was still part of ING group (see elsewhere in this knowledge bank: co-creation and participation in the bargaining at ING). 

Full-fledged labour relations
The CLA will give frameworks within which workers and their managers can concretize the agreements. Moreover, the parties have put three themes in the centre: Employees initiative in Mobility,  Agile NN and Appreciating. The first two themes include innovative arrangements. 

Employees initiative in Mobility

Under this theme, agreements were made with respect to the development of employees. Each employee him or herself is a writer, director and owner of his or her career plan that focuses on what this employee needs:

  • to continue to meet the requirements of the current position and

  • to be prepared for another position within NN and/or a job outside NN.

The employee may request assistance from his or her manager, a mentor, a colleague or a specialist. The employer will facilitate by supplying money and time – under conditions described. Other things were agreed upon, such as:

  • NN will inform and inspire people to keep moving;

  • instruments are made available to employees to determine their personal power and labor market value;

  • there is a 360 degree feedback instrument available;

  • rotating internally, doing an internship, taking part in a project or visiting another company will be facilitated;

  • NN offers a personal work load measurement.
    In 2016, NN launched a pilot with a new form of performance management, with more short checks on progress, rewind and look forward with a focus on listening and coaching (compare with what is called in management literature: Scrum).

Agile NN
To remain an agile organization and employer arrangements are made about organizing in a new way, reorganizing and the employment of external workers. The most innovative are the following. Parties recognize that external flexibility will stay needed, on the one hand for simple  jobs and on the other for specialized work that  NN don’t want to do (any longer). In this CLA term  agreements will be made about the employment conditions for external workers with the Central Works Council. Where possible external staff will be involved in the organization just as internal staff. With temporary workers working at NN for more than a year the manager will discuss results, development and personal situation and NN will made available a development budget. In principle NN will, reduce the long-term deployment of external workers and will not use payroll-like constructions.  Employees of NN can make appointments about flexible working with their manager conform the “NN Way of Working ‘.

“The new way of organizing": the parties will launch a study into how NN can arrange (organizational) change in a flexible and dynamic way so that employees recognize this and contribute to the change actively. The Social Plan contains agreements on compensation and career guidance for the next career step for the upcoming restructuring that will make some people redundant by April 1, 2017 or thereafter. 

Other subjects
Under the heading ‘Other subjects’ a number of cases are settled which are also fairly new. Trade unions and NN will periodically speak with a representative of the Supervisory Board about  ‘acting legally and ethically’.
To increase the representativeness of the trade unions NN will encourage and support (including financial) membership of trade unions and the activities of these unions. 


The document ‘Onderhandelingsresultaat CAO, Sociaal Plan en Sociaal Kader sourcing NN 1 januari 2016 t/m 31 december 2018’ can be downloaded from the websites of the CLA parties. A pdf. (in Dutch)  is attached.