Project Care Innovators (Zorgvernieuwers) in Flanders

2013 – Care Innovators (Zorgvernieuwers) is a project of Flanders Synergy (FS). Flanders Synergy helps institutions for care for the elderly and home care  to obtain understanding of  the consequences of their organizational design with various tools and learning networks. Furthermore FS supports them by providing information about the possibilities and the need for redesigning their organization.

De doelstellingen van Zorgvernieuwers zijn:

–  Bewustwording van de meerwaarde van een innovatieve arbeidsorganisatie voor organisatieprestaties, kwaliteit van zorg en kwaliteit van de arbeid.

–  Zorg in stromen organiseren; kennis en instrumenten aanreiken voor het uitvoeren van procesanalyses en het identificeren van coherente takenpakketten (‘stromen’) binnen zorgorganisaties.

–  Kwalitatief hoogwaardige functies en zelfsturende teams inrichten

–  Begeleiding; praktische en door onderzoek ondersteunde begeleiding van implementatietrajecten aanbieden.

The objectives of Care Innovators are:
– to promote Awareness of the value of an innovative organization for performance, quality of care and quality of work;
– to organize care  in streams; providing knowledge and tools to perform process analysis and identifying coherent sets of tasks (“flow") within healthcare organizations;
– to realize high-quality jobs and self-managing teams;
– to offer practical and research-based guidance at implementations.

More information
More information on this project can be found on the website of Flanders Synergy:

On the website of Flandres Synergy you can also set the following cases:
– St. Monica, Towards self-managing teams.
– Family Assistance Antwerp, Code Words: engagement and autonomy.
– SOPRIM @ – housing for the elderly – is moving toward self-managing teams.

Topics: Flexible organization, Self managing, Team Work
Sector: Care
Source: Multimedia, Cases