Towards common principles of flexicurity

2007 – This report of the European Commission describes a new labor market policy. A new economy and a new labor market demand new solutions. The ‘flexicurity’  approach provides a clear answer to the question of how to cope with challenges at the current job market while job security can be maintained.

The European Growth and Jobs Strategy aims to reduce unemployment and create more and better jobs. It mainly involves the development of a new form of security for workers: from job security to employment security. The approach is focused on helping startups to get a job and on the development of employees. It aims to provide a new way of working and have solutions when there is no work. The flexicurity approach supports the goals of this strategy.
This report discusses the key principles of the flexicurity approach. It does not offer simple one-size-fits-all solutions, but serves as a toolbox for governments, social partners and other stakeholders when they want to develop their own flexicurity approach. Most tools are from practices in Europe and have proven to be very successful. Proactive policy can help to address the challenges in the labor market.
Flexicurity provides a framework for this policy.

This report discusses the following items:
The opportunities and challenges of globalization and change 
.          An integrated flexicurity approach 
.          Flexicurity policy: experiences of third parties
.           Flexicurity and social dialogue
.           The development of the basic principles of flexicurity
.           Paths of flexicurity 
.          The financial dimension of flexicurity 
.          Next steps

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity – More and better jobs through flexicurity and security (2007); European Commission. ISBN: 978-92-79-06477-7 The report is attached.