Dutch Policy agenda 2020: investing in participation and employability

2011 – The Stichting van de Arbeid (a board for discussions among social partners at national level) transposed the Pension Agreement (spring 2010) to the Policy Agenda 2020 in June 2011. It was agreed that employers, employee associations and government would prepare the implementation now.
The Policy Agenda 2020 is part of the larger pension agreement. The Agenda aims a cultural shift at the labor market for the older worker. In the future older workers should show a greater willingness to change jobs. Employers should give a lot more opportunities to the elderly. To this end a series of tax incentives and training facilities was proposed for both employers and employees. These not only should increase the chances to find a job for unemployed elderly, but also encourage the older worker to change jobs.

Reference: the full report Policy Agenda 2020: investing in participation and employability (2011) of the Foundation is attached.