The fifth element; Workplace Innovation

2013 – Workplace innovation is explained in this you tube video with the metaphor of the four elements: earth , fire, water and  wind. Where ‘ earth ‘ stands for realism, rooted in the organization and trust. ‘Fire’ symbolizes inspiration, ‘water’ reflection, knowledge and the flow of ideas. ‘Wind’ or ‘air’ stands for transparency, dialogue, experimentation and tolerance for making mistakes.

The fifth element is the ‘spirit’, the feeling you get when you enter an organization in which all from high to low are eager to work together and share knowledge and ideas that are taken seriously and being used. It is the systematic application of proofed practices that have grown out of employees ‘ knowledge, skills and innovative insights.

This movie is the first product of EUWIN , the European learning network for social innovation.

Theme : Workplace Innovation
Sector : n.a.
Source : multimedia